So now that the majority of my Christmas junk is back in the attic, I'm faced with a painting project of massive proportion.  I've pretty much been putting it off since we bought the house.  Because I'm not talking "normal" paint job here.  I'm talking chalkboard paint, dry-erase marker paint, magnetic paint, regular paint, finger paint.  I want to feel like I'm sitting inside the bowels of Crayola.

First project....the den.   One wall will be done with chalkboard paint because I'm sick of my kid writing all over my walls.

paint color collage

It's the chalkboard paint that I'm 'bout to get crazy with though.  I mean, c'mon.  Who doesn't like to write on walls?!  I figure people who don't like writing on walls probably believe that Emily Post was the true author of the Bible.  I imagine that they also wear girdles.

So feast your eyes upon chalkboard inspirational eye candy and ask yourself, "Do I have the guts?"

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