Selasa, 29 Januari 2013

[New post] Jaclyn Smith and Martha Stewart: K-Mart Shoppers?

April Trice posted: " Sometimes I secretly wish I'd turn the corner in Kmart and find Martha standing there looking perfectly groomed, ready to point out the difference between copper and stainless steel cookware.  But she's never there.  Or to find Jaclyn over in the ling"

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013

[New post] Prophets, Dead Cats and Prosperity

April Trice posted: " Down here in the Dirty South we got us a bona fide, sure-as-snot rambling prophet.  Oh yes we do!  He is "The Original Georgia Prophet",  thee Rev. Roosevelt Franklin.  The first time I saw him on the TV, I nearly soiled myself. It's like watching tha"

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

[New post] Trash That Makes Me Chuckle

April Trice posted: " Sometimes, when I'm filling out useless trivia quizzes online, I come across the request, "Describe your sense of humor." When asked to make this description, I usually lean back in my chair and start rapidly banging my pen against my chin whilst s"

Jumat, 25 Januari 2013

[New post] Epic Food Fails

April Trice posted: " I broke down and tried the McOatmeal  (served all day!).  I had a coupon. You know how those snooty wine tasters swish the wine around in their mouth, stare intensely at the ceiling, come to a conclusion then spit the stuff back out in a bucket?  You "

[New post] Revenge Fantasy Via Atari

April Trice posted: " I can't remember where we acquired our Atari system when I was a kid.  Probably from a garage sale or someone at the church who felt sorry for the deprived preacher's kids.  We didn't have many games.  Just your standards.  Pong, Asteroids, Centipede."

Kamis, 24 Januari 2013

[New post] Ex Spouse in the House

April Trice posted: " You know the economy is in the toilet bowl when ex-spouses have to continue living together because of finances…or rather lack thereof.  In my mind, I see this: Two cats all hopped up on cat nip duct taped into a shoe box. What, do they ma"