For over two years I have struggled with what to write about the Pan (pictured above).  I'm still unsure.  I can't even find words, really.  I guess I can give a brief bio and be done with it.  I stumbled upon this whole mess by I said, a couple of years ago.  I vividly remember Husband and I laughing so hard that sound wouldn't even come out of our mouths.  Then the creepies came 'round and rendered us confused and unsettled.

After that, we began to discuss his upbringing in earnest.  Was he unloved?  Did his mother not breast feed him?  Was he beaten with a Pan stick in the 3rd grade?  At what point did he look in the mirror and say to himself, "Self.  From this day forward I shall be Peter Pan.  I shall fly, wear slinky Pan-wear and do gimpy poses and have my stunned friends photograph me."  Then he set out to creat his very own website of all things Pan-ish.  Pixyland.

I mean, that's obviously what happened.  SOMETHING happened.  Of a sinister nature, even.  There's not much more I can say at this point.  You just sit there and view this slideshow and thank your God in heaven that you were spared this...this....well, THIS:

Click to view slideshow.