So I was tooling around over on Pinterest and I began to see a rolling theme.  Rolled grilled cheese, french toast, blueberry cakey thingies....all things edible, rolled up into a tube 'o joy.  (You can check out my Pinterest Board suitably named "They See Me Rollin'...")

So.  I decided to try the grilled cheese roll ups.  I figured I'd have a lower percentage rate of having a Pinterest Fail on my hands.  Also, I did a tutorial.  Because there's nothing more presumptuous than a tutorial.


  1.  Start out with a few slices of super soft bread.  Cut the crusts off.  You can use a knife...scissors.  Just remove the crusts.rollup
  2. Then you take a rolling pin and flatten them out.


3.  Place one slice of cheese on each slice of bread.  I really shouldn't have to tell you this.


4.  Then roll them up.  I had to use a wee bit of water to seal the edges.  But you may not have to do that if you have magic hands.


5.  Melt some butter in a pan.  I used real butter.  Don't judge me.


6.  Put your rolls ups in the melted butter and roll them around until all sides are browned.


7.  Drain them on a paper towel.  Or not.  Then serve.
