So today I'm 40 years old.  On Good Friday, even.  Looking back, my life up to this point has been a bit "Via Dolorosa-ish".  I've been dreading this day since I turned 20.  I remember throwing my mom's 40th birthday party....with black balloons, tons of people, a cake with a blonde woman face down on top of a hill.  I remember this clearly.  Now I'M 40.  My daughter wants to throw me a party too.  Only she wants rainbow balloons, lots of happy cake and a dance-off with that stupid dancing hooch Wii game.

My husband woke me up this morning with a box full of Krispy Kreme doughnuts and a Krispy Kreme paper hat.  I knew he was setting me up for a Facebook photo that would go viral and totally humiliate me.  I let him know where he could shove his little paper hat.  I'm not going down like that.  I did, however, eat most of the doughnuts.

Every old woman I know (sorry, ladies) has informed me that the 40's are the true party years.  Really?  REALLY?  Party like how?  With botox?  Lipo?  I mean, I partied away all my 20's and the early part of my 30's.  No WAY could I do that now.  So maybe I need to change my perception of "party".  The true definition is a social gathering for pleasure and amusement.  In THIS day and age, my preferred social gathering is online.  So maybe I'll put on a party hat and start blogging ignorance.  OR!

For the next 365 days I will do one childish thing a day.  Not like sucking my thumb.  More like coloring.  Playing with some Play-Doh.  That kind of stuff.  Then I'll take a pic of my good times and post them here.  Whatdya say?  Sound good?  Yeah.  Sounds good to me too.  The miracle will be me actually pulling it off.

So to wrap things up here today, I'll look at the glass half full and list the top ten things I like about me:

1)  I've still got great metabolism.

2) I like my dry sense of humor so much that I can make myself belly laugh until I snort like a hog rootin' up truffles.

3)  I can bake like a not-from-France pastry chef.

4)  I'm a Moxy girl.

5)  I'm a creative parent.  Ahem.

6)  I'm a persistent son-of-a-gun.

7)  I have witty come-backs.

8)  My ears are cool.

9)  I have a head made for hats.

10)  I can do the Lord Shiva pose (yoga) and hold it for like ten minutes.  WITHOUT tipping over.  And I'm 40.  I like that.