Okay, lookit.  I'm totally failing at this whole 365 day play challenge thing.  It's like I wake up and the first words I mutter are, "Dammit.  I have to play today.  For my blog."  So I think...and I could be wrong here...but I think I'm totally missing the whole point of playing in the first place.  SO!  I'm still gonna play...just maybe not every single day.  I do, however, screw off with Instagram on a daily basis when I'm sitting around in my car.  You wanna see?  Okay, here.  They have captions...because writing the captions is more fun than taking the actual picture.

Ex-Boyfriend (he's headless.  Get it?  No?)

Who It Is?

Deception: My Lips Ain't Plumper

Oh No You Didn't!

Yes.  I'm Laughing AT You.

American Girl: Made in China (No, seriously.  She was made in China.)

Ham. Mm.

Juicy Jelly Fruit Slices.  You're Welcome.

Irresponsible Dining

Spring on a Fence

My Immortal (I really need to Windex the fool up out my dashboard.)