Go ahead and commit this man's face to your memory.  He's Tommy Jordan....Dad of the Century.  Tommy is one of those parents who actually does what he says he's gonna do.  I know, right?  Totally radical and crazy insane.  Tommy's 15 year old daughter, Hannah, got all honked off and posted a foul-mouthed letter to her parents on her Facebook page then blocked her parents from being able to see her wall.

Tommy works in IT and had no problem whatsoever gaining access to Hannah's potty mouthed rant.  So what'd he do?  What any good Dad would do.  He took her laptop out in the middle of a field and unloaded his .45 semiautomatic pistol into it.  But not before lighting up a cigarette and reading her Manifesto for the world to hear.  When he was through with the reaming and the shooting, he went and posted this video on her Facebook wall.

Now I'm reading all this junk across the internet about "Tough Love or Too Extreme"?  This man's parenting decision is being psycho-analyzed all over the web and I think a whole lotta people need to get over themselves and applaud this man for his creative parenting skills and ability to think outside the box.  I would TOTALLY shoot my kid's laptop full of buckshot if she did anything even SIMILAR to what Hannah did.

But I'll say this to YOU, Hannah.  You're one lucky kid.  You might not think so right now....but when you're my age....and YOUR 15 year old kid is giving you constipation and heartburn....THEN you'll realize how great you had it.  And with a Dad like yours, I have no doubt that you'll turn out just fine and have a great story to tell your own kids when they start acting ignorant.

Here's Tommy's video.  My kid is choking her kitten so I've gotta scoot.