That's right.  My absence can be attributed to the time I've had to spend in prison these past few months after being charged with aggressive and lewd behavior.

I'm totally kidding.  I'm not aggressive or lewd.  Nor did I do time in the pokey.  I've just been busy moving back home after the tornado pulled its stunt at the beginning of the year.  And enrolling my kid in a cyber academy.

I'll bet that if you scroll through all the posts on this website along with all the posts on my previous blog'll no doubt find that I did some homeschool-bashing at one point.  In my defense, I'm not REALLY homeschooling.  Technically, it's a public charter school with real teachers, a schedule, curriculum.  I think we all know what would happen if I was solely responsible for my kid's education.  It'd go a little something like this:

It's going a little bit like a pimple.  It hurts but you know it'll eventually get better.  I hope.  I've been taking an obnoxious number of showers.  It's my escape.  The "ME" time that will keep me from developing a twitch.  I mean, right now it's all I got.  If you click on "My Shop" at the top of the page, you'll see nothing.  Not a thing.  I should put a tumbleweed gif up in there and tell people to keep the faith.  Maybe one day I'll get back to making that fake food that people were so willing to pay top dollar for.

Until that happens, I'll be right here.  All day.  All week.  Instructing and implementing techniques to keep a 12 year old corralled like a wild horse straight out of a cheesy western movie. Maybe I'll share some tips and insights.  Maybe I won't.  Like I've said's all a crap shoot, man.  And sometimes the dice are loaded. Sometimes they're not.