I think most schools participate in some type of 'Career Day' during the school year.  About two weeks prior to the event, parents start hitting the social media scene for ideas and whatnot.  When I dropped my kid off this year, I saw a lot of Pinterest wins and a lot of Pinterest fails.  At first glance, you would smack the label of "FAIL" on my own kid's attire, which consisted of a tank top worn over her school uniform and her Fast Times at Ridgemont High shoes.  Since kindergarten, she has always gone as an artist.  This year she narrowed it down to graphic animator.

Therein skulked the dilemma.  Pray tell me...how DOES a graphic animator dress?  The kid was no help.  "Just give me your laptop."  Right.  I can just imagine what I'd find in 'history' at the end of the day.  So I directed her towards a pile of cardboard.


Let's just say that she has a long way to go in the whole imaginative animation field.  See, I looked at this cardboard and saw a light blue laptop with sequin embellishments.  I saw this.  Deep inside of my brain.  Basically all she did was root through all my stuff and pick what she wanted glued on there and I did the rest while she ran around outside with her gigantic foam Minecraft sword.  I know I should've forced her to make it herself.  But I justify it by reminding myself that it wasn't a school project that would be graded.  No.  It was helping save my kid from the shame of the mysterious tank top and shoes.

