Minggu, 17 Mei 2015

[New post] 3rd Grade Lunch Bag Countdown: IT IS FINISHED!!

April Trice posted: "Here we are at the end of another school year, my 9 year old is already 5 feet tall and think I've entered menopause.  Early.  But it's all good, right?! "

Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

[New post] For Shame, Target. For Shame.

April Trice posted: "  What do they say...imitation is the highest form of flattery?  That's a heaping pile of feces.  That may have been true at one point, but in this commercially greedy society, imitation is more akin to back-alley robbing.  Take Target for ins"

[New post] 3rd Grade Lunch Bag Countdown: 3 More Days

April Trice posted: ""

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

[New post] Career Day Dilemma

April Trice posted: "I think most schools participate in some type of 'Career Day' during the school year.  About two weeks prior to the event, parents start hitting the social media scene for ideas and whatnot.  When I dropped my kid off this year, I saw a lot of Pinterest w"

[New post] 3rd Grade Lunch Bag Countdown: 4 More Days

April Trice posted: ""

[New post] 3rd Grade Lunch Bag Countdown: 5 More Days

April Trice posted: ""