

Okay, I wasn't going to say anything....BUT.

I'm not sure where Sirius trains their customer service agents, but I think it's safe to say there's no indoor plumbing.  I went to school with a kid who didn't have indoor plumbing and he was angry and couldn't read very well.  These Sirius Agents are angry.  As they should be.  They should be angry with themselves for the rickety auto-renewal Armageddon they precipitate and perpetrate upon the innocent.  XM Radio is a bit of a luxury.  You'd think they'd try to maintain that image with their customer service team.  But they don't.  And they don't even care that they don't.

We've had Sirius XM for several months now.  Every single month they'll do one of two things.  Shut off our service, forcing us to call their hotline of anger...OR...charge several months at a time on whatever piece of  credit we gave them when we started the service.  So after the first couple of months we decided to take it up a notch.  Yeah.  Make them come to us like little rats comin' for a piece of rotten cheese.  Oh and they came.  They came with their promises of discounts and special offers, which we took advantage of because we felt completely justified.

Here's the thing.  When you hire yourself an army of imbeciles and tell them to answer phones and read scripts, you're just asking to be tangled with.  I don't feel guilty about hustling them.  It's not like I'm stealing.  They're getting my money.  On MY terms.

Shut me off? Go ahead!  Now give me those six months for the price of one because, after all, I am a new customer.