I've come to realize that my favorite time of the year is the week after Christmas.  Being lazy, eating leftover ham, playing with toys, reading new books.  Getting the flu.  Yeah.  The whole flippin' family got the flu...both strains even.  At least it was gracious enough to let me finish my decorating extravaganza.

So a belated happy holidays from my illin' home to yours:

bad dog blossoms blue flake candy baby collage candy cane tree2 candy cane trees candy house candy plate collage candy swirl china cookie ornaments cookie ornaments2 cookie plate counter den tree dining room dining room2 elf bath elf elf2 fake cookies felt tree foam house gift shop gifts gingerbread garland glitter house house collage let it snow lobby tree mantle collage metal snowman new wreath new wreath2 paris shop collage peanut butter balls pharmacy pinecone pink flake pink sled pink snowman popsicle porch porch2 santa shop stockings shop stockings2 skate sled snowman ornaments snowman sweet house sweet house2 sweet house3 sweet house4 sweet shop collage tin gift tree ornament tree ornaments2 tulle tree window wood gifts wooden tree xmas kitty xmas paintings xmas people collage xmas town collage xmas train collage xmas trifle xmas village collage3 class tree collage2 school ornaments teacher ornament